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How To Naturally Remove Mold With Tea Tree Oil

Here is another Tested and Proven to Work recipe from us over here.. f you have mold growing in your home and you’d like to get rid of it, then tea tree oil is probably the best natural remedy of all. It’s incredibly cheap and it works to remove mold fast ..

Tea tree oil has been previously referred to as a “miracle natural ingredient” and here is just further evidence to back up that Claim..

Buy yourself a bottle of tea tree oil from this page on Amazon and then find out how to use it to remove mold following the directions below

Here’s What You Need:
Pure Tea Tree Oil
An Open Window (Where Possible)
Sponge, Cloth and towel
Scrub brush

1. The first step to eliminating mold is to prevent it from growing in the first place. If your room has fan, use it. 

If it doesn’t, open a window in the bathroom, or open the bathroom door to keep air moving. This is very important and an very effective way to prevent the growth of mold.

2. Mix 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil with two cups of water and add it to a spray bottle. If you’re using this in the bathroom, spray surfaces regularly.

3. To actively remove mold, spray the solution directly to the mold and leave for an hour before using a scrub brush to remove the debris. A toothbrush can be used to reach those fine areas.

4. Spray your chosen green cleaner on affected areas and let sit for several minutes up to an hour. Using a scrub brush or a sponge, wipe down the walls of the shower. 

You might need to put a little elbow grease into it, but don’t resort to bleach, which only temporarily makes the mold disappear. Toothbrushes work great on the mold joints.

Note: Don’t rinse off the tea tree oil after application. Just leave it to do its magic.

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  1. I have to use tea tree oil in my bathroom because there is no window and our fan sucks no matter how long I leave it on. I only have to reapply every few months .I love it!

  2. This is cool. I usually call for professional mould removal services from Healthy Environmental . My home has a threshold period after which the mold regrows. I haven't yet tried tea tree oil, but have tried using vinegar once in a while. Apple Cider vinegar works like a charm. However the house gets a nasty (organic ) smell. This is one reason why I had to leave the DIY methods for professional mold removal.
